HeX-tra HeX-tra! Read all about it! It’s our very first ‘news’ item! From accessibility audits to Gutenberg and everything else we’ve done this week – you can read about it here!
Welcome to the very first edition of the HeX Productions fortnightly news on everything we’ve done over the past two weeks. We love being transparent and open with our clients, followers and friends, and that’s what we aim to achieve by this!

We’ll be celebrating all of our wins, some exciting things that have taken place over the past two weeks, and some things that you might like to know.
So, what exactly have we been up to?
Getting students into work!
We’ve recently spoken to two Nottingham education providers about taking on graduates and work experience students.
You’ll, hopefully, see more on this towards the end of the year or the beginning of 2020!
Charity Accessibility
We recently spoke to an Aphasia charity about accessibility and how we can help them improve their own website’s accessibility. We also invited a member of the charity to deliver a talk at Accessibility Nottingham in 2020 – so stay tuned for that!
University Intranet accessibility audit
For a few days last week, a few members of the team were auditing the accessibility of a UK university’s intranet. An exciting project for us, as this is one of the first higher education providers who has approached us to help from a purely accessibility point of view (for now).
Featured on Scope’s The Big Hack
Disability charity, Scope, have recently put together a website aimed at improving accessibility on the web, The Big Hack. This includes a resource library for content writers, developers, designers and business owners.
Whilst the site is still in Beta, we’re incredibly pleased to say that our recent blog ‘User Testing vs Automated Testing’ was featured on the resource library!
Exciting Meetings
We’ve had lots of meetings in the last week, in fact, too many to speak about in their entirety, but here’s a quick list:
- Discussion with UNiDAYS about accessibility within universities and about their work with local education industries looking to retain talent within Nottinghamshire.
- Broxtowe Borough Council and Meritec meeting, catching up with each other about how things are going.
- Discussion with Medilink about funding for certain projects and innovative ventures that we may be pursuing in the near future.
- Talks with a local PR agency in Nottinghamshire about how to deliver accessibility to their clients.
British Sign Language
The team embarked on their Level 1 British Sign Language qualification with the Nottinghamshire Deaf Society. We all had a fantastic time!
You can see a short video we produced on British Sign Language Signs we learnt here.
Gutenberg changes
Our incredibly talented Front-End Developer, Tom, has been working on some changes within the WordPress Gutenberg editor so that bespoke and custom sites for our clients can be produced more efficiently. We can’t wait to roll out these changes to some future projects.
Sign Solutions
We are also in the process of developing a relationship with the company Sign Solutions, which provide video interpreted calls for Deaf users. We are hoping to provide an option for Deaf customers to contact us using a video interpreter from Sign Solutions in the near future.
We are also pleased to announce that a member of the Sign Solutions team will be speaking at the next Accessibility Nottingham (in November).
The week has been an exciting one, we’ve made some great connections in Nottingham and beyond, and as always, we are continuing to push accessibility to everyone we meet and firmly position ourselves as advocates.
We hope you’ve enjoyed our fortnightly round-up. See you again in two weeks! Or if you’re coming to the next Accessibility Nottingham (tickets still available) – we’ll see you there