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20-20a Westminster Buildings, Theatre Square, Nottingham, NG1 6LG(0115) 888 2828

Digital Accessibility Matters

A guide to PDF accessibility and creating accessible PDFs documents using Adobe Acrobat Pro

The words digital accessibility and PDF documentation don’t go hand in hand. This is due to the fact that PDFs are notoriously difficult to adapt to become inclusive. However, there are some alterations that you can implement to make these documents usable for your readers. This blog talks you through basic PDF accessibility features that you need to be aware of to work to web standards.


Digital Accessibility Matters, Accessibility

Breaking down educational barriers due to poor digital accessibility

In this blog, we explore how HeX Productions have supported educational institutions in removing digital barriers and how these methods can assist in providing equal access to learning.


Advice, Digital Accessibility Matters, Education For All, Accessibility, Education

Wrapping up 2023 with HeX Productions

With the end of year swiftly approaching, the HeX team are starting to wrap up their 2023 project work. Before we do so, we take a look back over some of the exciting tasks that we’ve accomplished throughout the year.


Digital Accessibility Matters, Services, Team

Celebrating the end of our Digital Accessibility Matters campaign

Today, marks the end of our Digital Accessibility Matters campaign, which launched in August. Over the past few months, we’ve explored the issues affecting millions of people online due to poor accessibility and shared ways to remove digital barriers.


Awareness days, Digital Accessibility Matters

Creative Director James Hall shares why Digital Accessibility Matters

Hear from HeX’s Creative Director on why Digital Accessibility Matters to him and what organisations can do to become more inclusive.


Awareness days, Digital Accessibility Matters, Team

Why Digital Accessibility Matters to HeX’s Delivery Manager Emma Marmion

In our latest blog, find out what good digital accessibility means to Delivery Manager, Emma Marmion, and what she’s learned since joining HeX Productions.


Digital Accessibility Matters, Team

What good digital accessibility means to HeX’s Digital Engagement Manager Cheryl Swan 

Our Digital Engagement Manager works in a role that is primarily focused around producing communication and engagement activity across HeX’s digital channels. Today, Cheryl shares why Digital Accessibility Matters to her and what needs to change with online content to become inclusive.


Digital Accessibility Matters, Team

What good digital accessibility means to HeX Front-end Developer Hérick Moukodi

Before our Digital Accessibility Matters campaign comes to a close, we caught up with HeX Front-end Developer, Hérick Moukodi. In this blog, find out what good digital accessibility means to him and what advice he would give to fellow web developers.


Digital Accessibility Matters, Team

The need for digital accessibility on e-commerce websites this sales season

Online shopping has never been so popular and has become an essential part of our everyday lives. With billions of people now choosing to buy items online, the need for businesses to prioritise digital accessibility is paramount.


Advice, Digital Accessibility Matters, E-commerce

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