Why Digital Accessibility Matters
The web has become an indispensable resource that covers just about every aspect of our lives. This includes online access to healthcare, education, employment, government services, online purchasing and more. It is crucial that everyone can access these services independently.
Worldwide there are over one billion people who have some form of disability. This equates to 1-in-5 of us, and this number is set to increase due to our ageing population.
The likelihood is, that every one of us will require extra assistance at some point in our life to be able to access digital platforms. Assistance that can easily be built into websites, online documents, and on social media platforms. However, sadly, many organisations are ignoring accessibility, or disregarding it as unnecessary – taking away the independence and human right for a large portion of our community.
We want to challenge these organisations and break down digital barriers. Our Digital Accessibility Matters campaign will be on a crusade to do just that! We’ll be raising awareness on the impact that poor digital accessibility creates, striving to shape the digital world into becoming an inclusive online community for everyone.