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20-20a Westminster Buildings, Theatre Square, Nottingham, NG1 6LG(0115) 888 2828

Welcome to the Education 4 All campaign portal

Breaking down barriers in education

The need for digital accessibility in education

More than ever, schools and higher educational establishments rely on digital resources to enhance the learning experience. From watching enticing videos in class, to filling in homework through e-learning environments, or searching and applying for a course, the majority of information relies on digital technology being accessible. With over 1.5 million pupils in England alone requiring additional support within the education sector, which is an increase of 87,000 from 2022, it’s time to ensure that every student has equal access to education.

Unfortunately, there are a plethora of accessibility barriers in education, which take a variety of forms. This can sometimes be due to a lack of funding to get the right technology in place for students. However, more often, it is because of a lack of understanding about what is needed to be inclusive. This results in many young people missing out on their education and being left behind in society.

Sadly, people with disabilities are the ones most impacted by poor digital accessibility. Disabled people face difficulties due to:

  • The hardware or software that they are using being incompatible with assistive technologies.
  • Because of a lack of available accessibility features on websites and documents.
  • How content is presented, such as a lack of captions on videos or providing learning resources which aren’t structured in an inclusive way.

Education is a fundamental human right and everyone should have an equal opportunity to learn. The good news is there are many ways that educational establishments can remove digital obstacles to ensure that they are providing an inclusive learning experience. This is what the Education 4 All campaign strives to achieve, by raising awareness and sharing best digital accessibility practices to give institutions the knowledge and skills needed, so that every student has access to education.

Find out more about the campaign

Campaign Dates: 10 - 21 June 2024

James Hall giving a presentation on digital accessibility

Ways to provide Education For All

HeX Productions are passionate accessibility advocates, who fight to build an inclusive online world for our future generations to come. There are a number of ways that Senior Leadership teams, teachers, and higher educational professionals can work together, so that everyone has equal access to education.

This can be achieved through:

  • Gaining a deeper understanding of the barriers that students face due to inaccessible websites and learning resources.
  • Testing the accessibility and user experience of your website.
  • Having your website inclusively developed or ensuring that your in-house developers have the skills to do so.
  • Learning how to create inclusive educational resources through upskilling training or through our top tips during the campaign.
  • Understanding web standards and what is required legally for public sector organisations.
  • Translating content into British Sign Language (BSL).
A secondary school school, who is a white male with short brown hair and wearing a navy shirt, is sat next to a teacher whilst using a joystick to interact with a laptop

How to get involved in the campaign

We want schools, colleges, universities, and organisations, along with people who have been impacted by poor digital accessibility, to join us in raising awareness on the crucial need to remove barriers in education.

We need your help to spread this message far and wide!

There are many ways that you can get involved, such as:

  • Using our social media graphics and messaging, found within our toolkit, across your digital platforms.
  • Sharing our best practice tips and advice.
  • Tagging us and letting others know how your school or further educational establishment have worked to overcome accessibility obstacles.
  • We want to hear your stories; share your experiences about poor digital accessibility and how it impacted upon your learning.

Remember to tag us @HeX_Productions and use the hashtag #EducationForAll in any of your posts.

Latest blogs from the campaign

Inspiring young people to build an inclusive digital future

On Friday 05 July, the HeX team will be joining Wadsworth Fields Careers Day to encourage pupils to play their part in shaping an equal online world.

Education For All, Accessibility, Education

Ways to achieve digital accessibility in education

Throughout our Education 4 All campaign, we’ve been raising awareness on the barriers that students face digitally due to poor accessibility. This blog focuses on the impact when digital accessibility is achieved in education.

Education For All, Accessibility, Education

Course finder and web page accessibility in higher education

Accessibility in university websites, specifically in tools like course finders and on degree programme web pages, is not just a buzzword, but a fundamental principle that shapes the user experience.

Advice, Education For All, Accessibility, Education

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