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Your Public-Sector Website is Getting Assessed for Accessibility Right Now!

The Government Digital Services (GDS) are now starting to audit public sector websites to ensure they are accessible. Not being accessible could be breaching the Public Sector Accessibility Regulations. Is your public sector website accessible?


Local Gov, Accessibility, Government

Accessibility support and accreditation for Rushcliffe Borough Council


Local Gov, Accessibility, Government

Newark and Sherwood Homes web development and design


Industry, Government, Local Gov, Services, Accessibility, Design, Development, Training, Web design, Terminalfour

Digital marketing support for Gedling Leisure


Industry, Government, Local Gov, Social media

Broxtowe Borough Council


Local Gov, Accessibility, Development, Maintenance, Support, Government, Umbraco

HeX Productions at London Accessibility

Carrying on the ‘HeX World Tour’, our Creative Director, James, went down to the London Accessibility Meetup on 23 August to talk about how the community can help local authorities when it comes to accessibility.


Advice, Events, Industry, Government, Local Gov, Accessibility, Content, Development

Rushcliffe Borough Council intranet design and development


Local Gov, Accessibility, Development, Intranet, Maintenance, Support, Taxonomy, Government, Terminalfour

Ensuring good mental health in the public sector

as part of #WorldMentalHealthDay we are offering our advice on how to keep staff mentally healthy in the public sector, without plunging into the minimal budget.


Government, Health and social care

The new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR): How SMEs will need to react

From May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulations will officially come into force. Should you be preparing?


Industry, Education, Government, Content, Email marketing

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