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Debunking WordPress myths: why the CMS is the right choice for your website

WordPress is used by more than 75 million websites across the internet, powering some of the world’s largest sites and brands. However, as there are free and paid for versions, the versatility of this dynamic CMS is often misunderstood. This blog debunks some of these myths.


Advice, Woo Commerce, Wordpress

Showcasing original artwork through accessible web development


Accessibility, Design, Development, E-commerce, Wordpress

Building Health Equity an accessible Evidence Centre


Accessibility, Development, Taxonomy, Web design, Health and social care, Wordpress

Accessible web development for The Employer’s Network for Equality & Inclusion (enei)


Accessibility, Brand design, Design, Development, Taxonomy, Web design, Charity, Wordpress

How to build a website in WordPress: A beginner’s guide

So, you’ve made the wise decision to join the 75 million strong WordPress community for your next website build. As it’s our own personal favourite open source choice as well, you are certainly in the right place for advice.



Why WordPress is perfect for your next website

There are many website builders available, however, WordPress is the world’s most popular choice. In fact, around 42% of the internet uses WordPress over other Content Management Systems (CMS). This blog looks into why this is the case and ways it can improve your website’s growth.


Accessibility, Web design, Wordpress

Accessible mental health & wellbeing support for health, emergency service, and social care workers


Accessibility, Brand design, Content, Design, Development, Maintenance, Web design, Health and social care, Wordpress

Helping NUH Life give the gift of life through accessible information


Accessibility, Development, Maintenance, Training, Web design, Health and social care, Wordpress

Collinshallgreen website redesign and development


Industry, Accessibility, Design, Development, Training, Web design, Wordpress

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